About As:

MEEZA is a Company which deals with FINANCE, TRAINING and PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. We have nearly 35 years of financial experience. 14 years of soft skill training Experience and 4 year of property management experience.

Vision and Mission:

To be the leading financial Service Company in market. Close to the Customer and strong Focus on the Communities we serve. To maximize Shareholder value through Consistently strong earning performances, strong market share and maintenance of high quality assets.


Since 1989, we are doing financial Services in South India. Particularly to the rural areas and to the Socially and economically backward classes. To improve the Saving mentality among people and to have financial equality.

In Finance we are dealing with:

(i) Life Insurance

(ii) Health Insurance

(iii) General Insurance

(iv) Housing Loan and Plot purchase Loan.

(v) Construction and Mortgage Loan


Since 2012, we are in training field.

(i) To make the most of human talent and Potential.

(ii) Educate and inspire people to reach their professional goals.

(iii) Create a work environment that both challenges and supports people.

(iv) Accomplish our goals faster and easier with less stress and more enjoyment.

Property management:

Since 2020, we are in Property management. To provide high quality work space for business of all sizes in effort of promoting healthy life Styles and thus improving economically growth.

We encourage the first and new entrepreneurs by providing high quality Work Space for all business types at affordable price.